Tasly Danshen Tea health benefits and prices in Accra Kumasi Ghana

Tasly Danshen Tea

Ingredients of Tasly Danshen Tea:

Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae, Radix Astragali, Radix Notoginseng & Green Tea

Dosage of Tasly Danshen Tea:

1 sachet pd-bid


1500mg × 20 sachets

Functions Tasly Danshen Tea:

1.Improve cardio-cerebrovascular microcirculation
2.Reduce the risk of cardio-cerebrovascular diseases

What are the differences between Danshen Tea and Pollen Tea?

Both are made from premium Chinese green tea leaves except that Danshen (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae), Sanqi (Radix Notoginseng) and Huangqi (Radix Astragali) are added in Danshen Tea and natural high-quality pollen is added in Pollen Tea. Danshen Tea helps improve microcirculation and reduce the risk of CVD while Pollen Tea helps delay aging, protect skin and produce cosmetic effects in the long run.