Health benefits of Kasly Qingwen Capsule and prices in Accra Kumasi Ghana

Kasly Qingwen Capsule

Functions of Kasly Qingwen Capsule:

1. Persistent pain or pressure in your chest.

2. Trouble breathing

3. Relieving cough, sore throat and fatigue .

4. It also Remove toxin, diffuse the lung and discharge heat

Advantages Kasly Qingwen Capsule:

It boost your immunity to anti virus

 Is the killer of  virus!

It a herbal antibiotics

It boost your immunity to anti virus

It zero sugar, which can be taken by diabetics patients , Hypertension patients can also take it

Target groups:

- Feel sick with fever, cough or have difficulty breathing.

- breathing or shortness of breath chest pain or pressure

- aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhoea, conjunctivitis, headache, loss of taste or smell, dry cough, tiredness